Photographer is Roger Tory Peterson

Photo used with permission by Kevin Welch

Rockhopper penguins

Scientific name: Eudypets chrysocome

Total length: 21.7 inches

Weight: 5.5 pounds

Markings are a brown headband that wvtends from behind the eyes into long, banner like gold-and-black feathers.

Rockhopper penguins live on differnet islands surrounding th Antarctica. They inhabit steep slopes. They are able to climb high cliffs with their sharp claws. But they don't like to nest on the steep areas, whanever they can they will nest on level ground.

Males com from the sea onto land in mid-October. They first find their okd nesting sited from the previous year. Battles often developp during this time bewteen the old penguins and the younger penguins. Rockhopper penguins are very aggressive, particularly the males. The penguins are very tough around humans who try to drive them away from their nesting areas. They spring up in the air, peck at the intruder's arm, and don't stop until he or she has left.

When the female penguins return from the sea, they go find the mate that they had the previous year. Rockhopper penguins and the whole Eudypetes penguins are very faithful to their mates and their nesting areas. They both work together to build their nest, the female uses her body to form a nesting cabity in the ground; the males looks for nesting materials like tussock grass, leaves, sticks, bones, or pebbles. The female will lay two eggs and will take the first watch in warming the egg. In Decenber, the chicks are to hatch and this is the time the male will come back from feeding. In Janurary, the chicks will be more self-reliant. They will leave the nest and gather together will other chicks in creches and by Feburary, they will be ready to go to sea will the older penguins.

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