
What is the difference between a frog and a toad? A frog tends to be moist and slimy. Unlike a frog, a toad is dry and warty. Don't worry, toads can't give you warts like you've heard. Another difference is that frogs jump and toads like to walk.

Frogs and toads have unique eyes. They are able to see in almost any direction because their eyes bulge out. Some frogs even have a third eyelid. It still lets them see while it protects the eye.

Have you ever looked at a toads foot? Most have sticky adhesive pads on their toes that they use for climbing. Their tongues are also covered with a sticky substance use to catch insects. Some even have webbed feet that they can spread widely and glide or parachute away from predators. Another way they escape predators is by playing dead when attacked. Another unique characteristic is when frogs eat another animal that is poisonous they can throw up their entire stomach. When they do that, the stomach actually protrudes through their mouth and they use their right front leg it wipe it clean.

How else do they protect themselves? Frogs and toads have the ability of camouflage, blending into their surroundings. They also mimic, or copy, other poisonous amphibians so predators will leave them alone. Some frogs are so brightly colored that they attract attention when they jump, but when they land they are hidden.

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