Other Cool Stuff About Chimps

Chimps are used for so many things because their genetics are so close to humans that its almost unbelievable. They are only about 2% difference from us so we have used them in many medical researches, blood transfusions, and much, much more.
The greatest enemy the chimps have now is man. Only 60 years ago there were millions and millions of them, but now there are only about 150,000 left. They are becoming extinct.
Chimps feed in fruit trees in these trees at night. The nests are during the day then rest interwoven through a bunch of trees about 30-40 feet above the ground. It takes about three to five minutes for a chimp to build a nest.
Social grooming may be a major affair, making strong family ties even stronger, with up to ten chimps participating at one time. Sometimes this continues for hours.
Communication for chimps can be vocal or full-body demonstration or facial expression, some of them similar to humans' gestures, including hugging and hand holding.
Chimps are practical when it comes to using their surroundings. They make and use tools for a number of reasons. This appears to be a learned behavior.
The three races of chimps are:
1. The eastern Long-Haired Chimpanzee
2. The Western Chimpanzee
3. P.t. Chimpanzee (common)
There is so much to be learned about chimps that hasn't been discovered, but we'll never get that chance if they become extinct. The research on these is so valuable to the lives of humans, but at the same time, we can't keep taking them out of the wild and their natural habitat or there won't be any left. This page was dedicated to teaching others a little about chimps, do what you can to help save these awesome creatures.

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