Life Map of Sir Joseph Banks

* Banks was born in London on Feb. 13, 17433.

* Banks grew up in Revesby Lincolnshire.

* At the age of nine Banks was sent to Harrow school.

* When Banks went on to Oxfordd he joined the Botanical Club, Fossil Club, and the Antiquarian!

* Banks went on in his life and met a guy named James Cook and soon became best friends.

* Later after knowing each other they soon got sent to command a 368 ton ship named Endeavour for the next four years were Banks explored different continents.

* One of Banks first great accomplishments was collecting 300 plant species as well as fish, birds and insects.

* Banks got back to England in July of 1771 and brought 30,000 different plants and animals.

* The rest of Banks life was spent with the Royal Society.

* In 1778 Banks was elected president of a group which had once been held by Sir Isacc Newton.

* Banks lived to the age of 77 and died June 19,1820, from what I have learned he has had a good life.

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