Students Opinions of Socrates


Socrates is known by many people, but the strange thing is that he never wrote anything of his own. A lot of what we know comes from memorabilia and symposium by the historian, and pupil Xenophon and much of it comes from dialogues of his other pupil Plato, the philosopher. There was a play by Aristephanes, a leading playwright of Socrates' time, called Clouds, a comedy that included Socrates. Aristotle, Plato's pupil, also had writings about Socrates.

Xenophon wrote that Socrates was a respected teacher and mostly interested in helping people become good. Plato wrote that he cared about ethics, logic and theory of form which is: identified qualities in an object that remain constant, this is the most probable account. In Clouds, Socrates was portrayed as foolish man who believed in radical ideas.

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