First Grade Monarch Project

The beautiful monarch butterfly has been the center of attention in the Elementary Building.  Mrs. Karla Taylor's class was given a tropical milkweed plant with over 50 monarch eggs about to hatch.  Soon holes were visible in the leaves and the tiny caterpillars appeared.  Only with a magnifier could they be seen.

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The caterpillars needed fresh milkweed plant day after day in order to grow and grow.
pictured are Jorge, Justin, Blayn, Mrs. Taylor, and Anna

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The yellow, black, and white striped caterpillar eats continuously for at least 2 weeks.

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When full and ready for chrysalis it forms a letter J in preparation for its final skin splitting.

Chrysalis complete.  It rests for 10-14 days.

Transparent outer skin means it's close to emerging.

Justin and Blayn observe the caterpillar feeding.

Jorge reports caterpillar progress.

The first butterfly flew around the classroom.  Note its landing spot...the trees and leaves on the bulletin board.  This butterfly has great vision!  The butterfly will soon be searching for real flowers.  Click here for Monarch Watch

Brittany and Anna watch the activity.

Outside, Mrs. Taylor's class helps Chris let his butterfly go.

She flies up, up and away!

The chase is they shout, Have a safe trip south!