My Track Page

"God has given me the ability
The rest is up to me!
Believe, Believe, Believe"

Follow me, I will lead you
to the finish line!

You say someday....
Someday you will be too old
Someday you will be to weak
Someday you will never
accoplish your dream.
Right now you can.

Don't look!  You are behind!

This meet you have met your match

Jack and Jill raced up
the hill! Guess who won!
. . . . . . JILL

Just do it!

The best angle to look at
is the

Run fast and turn left

Just stay behind the first place runner!

Put one foot in front of the other and run.

Don't run to win,
Run to run.

If you can see my back
I am in FRONT of you.

Run hard or go home.

If you can talk,
you are not running
FAST enough.
