Caterpillar Stage

The caterpillar is the second stage of the Monarch’s journey to adulthood.

The caterpillar hatches by chewing its way out of the egg. The caterpillar has a greenish colored body. Before the caterpillar does anything, it will eat the egg that it had just hatched from which will give it nourishment. In this stage the caterpillar is called an eating machine because it feeds almost constantly and rests briefly and then feed itself somemore. The more the caterpillar eats the skin darkens and becomes striped with bands of black and yellow. Within only three day the caterpillar has doubled its size. The caterpillar will keep eating and eating until its skin is stretched so tight the it can’t eat any more. Something very strange happens now. The caterpillar will split its skin uncovering a brand new skin beneath it. During the next ten to twenty days the caterpillar will outgrow its skin five times. The warmer the weather, the faster the caterpillar will grow.


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