Welcome to the Tropical Rainforest!

The purpose of this web page is to help you learn more about the

Tropical Rainforest and the Toucan!

This picture was used with

copyright permission.

Tropical rainforests are the most alive places on the Earth! They are the home to half of all living things.

Rainforests are some of the oldest and most amazing places in the world. Every corner of the rainforest is used by animals, plants, and insects. The rainforest plays an important role in weather patterns and we get a lot of different products from the rainforest such as coffee, bananas, rubber, spices, and many more.

The rainforests in the world are very important to us. They are like the lungs of the Earth. They remove a large amount of carbon dioxide from our atmosphere and replace it with oxygen, which humans and animals breathe in.

More kinds of amphibians, birds, insects, mammals, and reptiles live in tropical rainforests then anywhere else!


Go to -- More Information about the Tropical Rainforest and the Amazon Rainforest

Go to -- Meet a Toucan!


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Sources where information was taken from:


This site has great information and pictures. I was not allowed to use their pictures but check it out anyways!







• Vanishing Rain Forests By: Paula Hogan

• Why are the Rain Forests Vanishing? By: Isaac Asimov

• Rainforest Wildlife By: Antonia Cunningham

This web page was created by Kara Walker on Tuesday, May 12, 1998.