Meet a Toucan!

This picture was used with copyright permission from

Mark Mayfield, Fingerprints Inc.

Toucans live in the tropical rainforests of Central and South America, especially in the amazon region.

Toucans are large birds whose bodies are about 33 cm to 64 cm long. They have a slender body, short rounded wings, and a long tail.

Because the toucan's colors are broken patterns, they are easily camouflaged in the rainforest.

The most obvious feature of a toucan is its bill. And what a bill! It's not only big, but sometimes can even be as long as the toucan's body! The bill is usually brightly colored in the colors green, yellow, red, or blue. A toucan's bill is light in weight, fragile and sometimes breaks.

They have a loud croak that can be heard up to a half a mile away. Because of this, the toucans are considered some of the noisier animals of the rainforest!

This picture was used with copyright permission.

More cool pictures and information on toucans can be found at this site!


Toucans use their bills to fight with each other and to get food. Toucans eat fruit by snipping off the fruit with the tip of their large bill and then tossing the fruit backward into their throats, gulping it down whole! Toucans usually eat fruit, but also eat some insects, an occasional lizard, and sometimes eggs and nestlings of smaller birds. Toucans drink by dipping their bill in water and then raising it up and letting the water flow down into their mouths.

Toucans prefer to remain high in the trees and hop from branch to branch. When sleeping, the toucan turns its head over the back of its body and then brings the tail forward to cover it.

Toucans build their nests in hollow trees and both parents take turns sitting on the eggs and caring for the young birds.


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