Marine Mammal Science

There are a variety of careers in Marine Science. More specific ones are Marine Mammal Science and Marine Fish Science. Marine Fish Scientists study such fish as the clown fish, but the careers we will be concentrating on are those as a Marine Mammal Scientist.

Scientists believe there are approximately 100 species of aquatic or marine mammals that depend on fresh water or the ocean for their lives. They include seals, sea lions. whales, dolphins, and many more. The duty of a Marine Mammal Biologist is to understand how these creatures live. Another way to think of it is like this: most people communicate by talking on the phone, writing, or other ways. You see, Marine Mammal Biologists try to understand things like communication.

Because a lot of people are interested in these animals and studying them it is quite competitive in getting a job. Yet it is a very rewarding experience.

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