used with permission by John Hacunda

What is Limnology?

Limnology: the science that deals with the physical, chemical, and biological properties and features of fresh waters, especially lakes and ponds

-from Webster's New World Dictionary

Okay, you know the dictionary definition, but what is it in simpler terms? Limnology is the study of fresh water rivers and lakes. Water is very important to humans-we can't live without it. But we also need to understand our water. Limnologists do this by sudying these three questions:

1. How healthy are our water sources?

2. What is happening to our water?

3. What can we do to improve the quality of our water?

As you can see, a lot of work is done just to make sure that people have clean water to drink. But do you know what limnologists do when they test the water? Now's the time to find out!

used with permission from Dr. Kenneth L. Dickson

First the limnologist takes chemical tests to find out what is in the water. These are some tests that are taken:

~Phosphate content

~Nitrate content




~Heavy metal testing

Then these experiments are done to find our more about the water:


~Water flow

~Biodiversity count

If these tests weren't taken, you couldn't be sure that the water you drink is safe. Now you know how much work is done to protect just like you!

Go to Page 2 for information on a possible route from high school to a job

Go to Page 3 for information on working conditions and the importance of limnology

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constructed by Melynda Soma on March 6, 1998