


The chimpanzee's body is perfectly suited for climbing and swinging on trees. They have disproportional long arms that make it easy for them to reach from branch to branch. They also have very flexible hands and feet that help them grasp the branches. Because of it's ability to reach and hang on, a chimpanzee can travel across thin branches without breaking them. They are not monkeys contrary to popular belief, they are apes. What's the difference you ask? Apes don't have tails and monkeys do, therefore, chimps are apes.

They have thick black fur with some white hairs on the muzzle. Infants have a white tuft on the rump. The skin has a pale complexion and early baldness is not unusual, especially in females. Large ears that stick out show on the round skull and there is a strong brow ridge. Chimps have very powerful jaws and their arms are longer than their legs.

Chimps are found in the tropical rain forest and it can tolerate woodland savannas. They are mostly populated in West, Central, and East Africa, Equatorial Guinea, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Gabon, Northern Zaire, and other areas of the sort.

Used with permission from Alasdair McKee.


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