
Their Lifecycle

The lifecycle of a chimpanzee if like that of a human. They go through many stages including the stage of adolescence through adulthood.

As all mammals do, baby chimpanzees are the result of mating rituals performed by the parents.When a chimp is a little baby, it feeds on its mothers milk generally for three years. After that, they adopt the behaviors performed by their parents. Baby chimps are raised primarily by the mother.

Immature chimpanzees have white hairs on their rumps. Weaning occurs after five years, with puberty reached in females at about eight to nine years. An eleven year old female my bear her first infant. She may remain fertile until age 40, with births at intervals of three to five years. For males, maturity is reached at about 15 years.

Male adult chimps stand about 42 inches high and weigh about 110 lb. whereas the female is slightly smaller and weighs about 88 lb. The average lifespan of a chimp is about 40 to 50 years in the wild.

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