Schools have changed. Community schools have replaced both the one-room country school and the standard one school district for each town. Interstate freeways have nearly replaced the railroads that were once so important.
Gone are the days when you noticed in the band that only boys played the brass instruments, and only girls performed on woodwind instruments.
Tattoos are no longer just for the hoodlum, a criminal or dangerous thug, or a person who's just up to no good. Now professional like teachers, pastors, noted athletes, and many women are wearing their tatoos. Today, you may meet ladies who are Ministers or Doctors, or perhaps your nurse is a guy.
Telephones have changed.
Automobiles keep changing.
Changes on the farm
South Hamilton had a Computer Club.
Cameras and Photography has changed.
Gone are the days when all girls were required to wear skirts to school. And gone are the days when the high school principal walking towards the lunchroom might ask a girl to kneel on the floor to find if her skirt might be "too short". If the skirt touched the floor while she was kneeling, it was indeed "too short" and she was sent home to change into a longer skirt.
From a 1970s High School handbook:
Teacher- Pupil Relationship - It is expected that pupils will address the teachers as Miss, Mrs., or Mr. At no time shall first names be used in visiting with teachers.
Dress, Appearance and Classroom Attire - Slacks are not to be worn during school hours by the girls except for physical education classes. In case of extreme conditions due to cold weather, it is suggested that slacks or jeans be worn under the dress and taken off upon arrival at school. Good judgment should establish for the student the choice of clothing to be worn. The appearance of all students shall be such that it will not be detrimental to the school. There will be absolutely no heel clips worn at school. All coats must be put on the hangers provided, and not in the locker rooms. Belts must be worn. Blouses and shirts will be tucked in and proper haircuts will be maintained.
Hall Conduct - No students will be allowed in the halls during class time without written permission from a teacher. There will be no hand holding or petting of any nature on any school grounds during school hours or during school events. Any conduct not becoming that of a normal boy or girls on or off school grounds, that reflects a direct light upon the school, will be judged accordingly.
Swimwear has changed
Hair length - Gone are the days when the principal might stop a boy walking down the hall to check the length of his hair to determine if it was "too long". If the principal's index finger would touch hair when he ran his finger over the boy's ear, he might send the lad home and tell him not to come back until his hair was cut.